Nations Help receives the Doar Seal of Management and Transparency
We are very pleased to inform you that Nations Help was approved in the A + concept in the certification process by the Doar Institute. One of our main values, since our foundation, is transparency. In February 2019, Nations Help confirms its compliance with the Management and Transparency Standard of the Third Sector. The Certificate is valid for 1 year.
About the Doar Seal of Management and Transparency
The Doar Seal aims to encourage, legitimize and highlight professionalism and transparency in Brazilian nongovernmental organizations, in the form of a certificate that is independent of its adequacy to the Standards of Professional Management and Transparency (PGT) or what we call the request of the organizations themselves, Doar Seal.
The PGT or Doar Seal was elaborated based on extensive research of the concepts and criteria adopted by different national and international organizations, the specialized literature on the evaluation of non-profit organizations, and the practices of companies that receive and provide resources for social and environmental impacts. The Doar Seal can be summarized in five major fields:
- Cause and strategy of action: This field addresses the clarity of the information on the cause of the organization, the purposes, and the strategies outlined.
- Representation and responsibility: This area deals with the processes that ensure the legitimacy and fulfillment of the responsibilities of the organization’s representatives, inside and outside it.
- Organization and institutional management: This area includes issues related to the institutional conditions necessary for the proper execution of the actions carried out by the organization, including the planning and continuous monitoring of its activities.
- Financing strategy: This area addresses the fundamentals and practices that are adopted with the objective of securing the necessary financial resources to achieve the objectives of the organization, guaranteeing their sustainability.
- Transparency, accountability, and communication: Transparency is one of the pillars of the seal, and therefore permeates all other fields. This specific area addresses the need to disseminate the main information of the organization, and the existence of communication channels.