Richardson is 9 years old, he likes the color red, his favorite thing to do is play football and he supports Real Madrid. He dreams of becoming a doctor to help people in his country and he likes to study French.
He and his mother show a lot of interest in our program and many are open to receiving the word. They have been attending the base for a year now.
Now that you know a little about Richardson’s history, by sponsoring him, your offers will contribute to the maintenance of health programs (appointments, exams and medications, when prescribed by the doctor), clothing and food. The program also offers spiritual investment, through biblical discipleship and study of the Word of God. We teach children about the Kingdom of God and the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for sowing in Richardson’s life, because beyond his basic needs, you will provide adequate conditions for him to continue to develop, have a dignified life and a future with more opportunities! Sponsor a child in Haiti!