Easter is a very striking and reflective moment to think about the true motive of all our celebrations and take the little ones to true understanding. In different places we celebrate with the children the triumphant resurrection of Christ:
1 – In Port-au-Prince, Haiti:
In Port-au-Prince, the frontier led by the missionary Ezechiel, in addition to having communion with the children and enjoying a wonderful time, they received a very special snack made by missionary Guerna (Ezechiel’s wife) while learning about “the importance of Christ’s resurrection”.
In the New Life 4 Kids orphanage, a partner of Nations Help, a celebration service was held regarding the true Passover, which is Jesus, the only lamb of God. Then the children went hunting for chocolate eggs inside the orphanage facilities. It was a day of great joy and euphoria, for many children had never eaten chocolate in their lives!
2 – In Belo Horizonte, Brasil:
In the community of Morro das Pedras, the missionary Josefa ministered to the hearts of the little ones a theater about the true Easter, which is Christ, and more than 30 children came out impressed and received the true Passover in their hearts.
3 – In Pedro Ruan Cabarellos, Paraguai:
The children were taught by a theater about the true meaning of the Passover and the resurrection of Christ and many of them were impacted.

May we together plant the seed of the Word of God in the hearts of children in the nations!