Vanes Alexis
I was born on July 1, 2006
Hello! My name is Vanes and I was born in Pestel in 2006. Unfortunately, when I was four years old, my mother died and my little brother Alex was very ill. He was taken by a medical team to the House of New Life, where despite all the efforts to save his life, he passed away as well. When Miriam, of New Life visited the region of Pestel again, she took me in and brought me to the House with my father’s consent, knowing how much I was suffering from severe malnutrition, as my brother had. So at the age of six I came here to recuperate and the transformation in my life began. I am very well cared for in New Life: I am well fed, I attend school, my health is good, but best of all, I am loved! One day, I would like to be a famous footballer, like Lionel Messi of Argentina. Praising the Lord is very special to me and one day becoming a preacher is in my heart. With the help of friends like you, New Life, in partnership with Nations help, continues to pave the road to a successful life.