Rickerson Senatus
I was born on January 6, 2014
Hello! My name is Rickerson, and although no one is sure when I was born, the best suggestion is that I should be about six years old. I was raised by my grandmother who was trying to take care of me, but because I’m physically weak, it was very difficult for her. Along with this weakness, I was also very sick and my grandmother couldn’t buy the medicine I needed or give the necessary care for me to survive. She knew about the House of New Life and the love and care they could give me. Then, desperately she brought me here. I now receive love and medical care that I need to improve. Even though I can not walk or talk, I’m very happy and I’m always smiling. When someone takes the time to talk to me, even though I can not speak, I absorb all the love and attention, and that means the world to me. It would be wonderful to have a sponsor so that I could continue to have a good, happy and healthy life. Together with Nations help, would you like to sponsor me?