Wenky Monetoile
I was born on April 28, 2005
Hello! My name is Wenky Monetoile. I am very happy to live here in the New Life House, I was born in Leveque, Haiti, in 2005. Because of not being able to take care of me, my family abandoned me in another orphanage. While I was there, I was in great physical distress, having difficulty withholding the nutrients from the food they gave me, and also with difficulty breathing and seizures. Shortly after that, the orphanage closed and I was brought to New Life. With the care I receive here now I am totally healthy and strong, I am learning a lot at school and have a lot of fun playing ball. It was not long before I realized that one day I could be a great man of God because of the wonderful models and encouragement I have here in New Life. I still dream of becoming a pastor. Maybe, in partnership with Nations Help, you can help me achieve this dream!